Time Consists of Two Days

Original Poem in Arabic

الدَهرُ يَومانِ ذا ثَبتٌ وَذا زَلَلُ

وَالعَيشُ طَعمانِ ذا صابٌ وَذا عَسَلُ
كَذا الزَمانُ فَما في نِعمَةٍ بَطَرٌ
لِلعارِفينَ وَلا في نِقمَةٍ فَشَلُ
سَعادَةُ المَرءِ في السَرّاءِ إِن رَجَحَت
وَالعَدلُ أَن يَتَساوى الهَمُّ وَالجَدَلُ
وَما الهُمومُ وَإِن حاذَرتَ ثابِتَةٌ
وَلا السُرورُ وَإِن أَمَّلتَ يَتَّصِلُ
فَما الأَسى لِهُمومٍ لابَقاءَ لَها
وَما السُرورُ بِنُعمى سَوفَ تَنتَقِلُ
لَكِنَّ في الناسِ مَغروراً بِنِعمَتِهِ
ما جائَهُ اليَأسُ حَتّى جائَهُ الأَجَلُ


Time consists of two days: one steadfast, the other flawed,
And life offers two tastes: one bitter, the other sweet.

Such is time; for those who understand,
There is no arrogance in blessings, nor despair in trials.

A person’s happiness comes when joy outweighs,
And justice is when worry and dispute balance equally.

No sorrow remains forever, even if feared,
And no joy continues eternally, even if desired.

So why grieve over sorrows that won’t last,
Or revel in blessings that will soon fade away?

Yet among people, there is one deceived by his fortune,
Who knows no despair until death arrives.