Original Poem in Arabic
ياطولَ شَوقِيَ إِن قالوا الرَحيلُ غَدا
لَا فَرَّقَ اللَهُ فيما بَينَنا أَبَدا
يامَن أُصافيهِ في قُربٍ وَفي بُعدٍ
وَمَن أُخالِصُهُ إِن غابَ أَو شَهِدا
لا يُبعِدِ اللَهُ شَخصاً لا أَرى أَنَساً
وَلا تَطيبُ لِيَ الدُنيا إِذا بَعُدا
راعَ الفِراقُ فُؤاداً كُنتَ تُؤنِسُهُ
وَذَرَّ بَينَ الجُفونِ الدَمعَ وَالسَهَدا
أَضحى وَأَضحَيتُ في سِرٍّ وَفي عَلَنٍ
أَعُدُّهُ والِداً إِذ عَدَّني وَلَدا
مازالَ يَنظِمُ فِيَّ الشِعرَ مُجتَهِداً
فَضلاً وَأَنظِمُ فيهِ الشِعرَ مُجتَهِدا
حَتّى اِعتَرَفتُ وَعَزَّتني فَضائِلُهُ
وَفاتَ سَبقاً وَحازَ الفَضلَ مُنفَرِدا
إِن قَصَّرَ الجُهدُ عَن إِدراكِ غايَتِهِ
فَأَعذَرُ الناسِ مَن أَعطاكَ ماوَجَدا
أَبقى لَنا اللَهُ مَولانا وَلا بَرِحَت
أَيّامُنا أَبَداً في ظِلِّهِ جُدَدا
لايَترُقِ النازِلُ المَحذورُ ساحَتَهُ
وَلا تَمُدُّ إِلَيهِ الحادِثاتُ يَدا
الحَمدُ لِلَّهِ حَمداً دائِماً أَبَدا
أَعطانِيَ الدَهرُ مالَم يُعطِهِ أَحَدا
How long my yearning when they say we part tomorrow,
May God never separate us, now or ever.
O you whom I trust in both nearness and distance,
Whom I am sincere to, whether you are absent or present.
May God not take away the one whose presence brings me comfort,
For life loses its sweetness if they are far away.
Separation has troubled a heart you used to soothe,
And filled my eyes with tears and sleeplessness.
In both secret and public, I hold you dear,
I count you as a father, and you count me as a son.
He always composed poems about me with dedication,
And I, too, write poems about him with effort.
Until I acknowledged his virtues, which honored me,
He surpassed me, claiming excellence alone.
Even if my efforts fall short of reaching his greatness,
The most excusable is the one who gives all they can.
May God keep our protector for us, and may our days
Remain forever renewed in his shadow.
No harm approaches his presence, and no calamity
Stretches its hand toward him.
Praise be to God, endless and eternal,
For giving me what He has given no other.