Original Poem in Arabic
ما زِلتُ مُرتَقِياً إِلى العَلياءِ
حَتّى بَلَغتُ إِلى ذُرى الجَوزاءِ
فَهُناكَ لا أَلوي عَلى مَن لامَني
خَوفَ المَماتِ وَفُرقَةِ الأَحياءِ
فَلَأُغضِبَنَّ عَواذِلي وَحَواسِدي
وَلِأَصبِرَنَّ عَلى قِلىً وَجَواءِ
وَلَأَجهَدَنَّ عَلى اللِقاءِ لِكَي أَرى
ما أَرتَجيهِ أَو يَحينَ قَضائي
وَلَأَحمِيَنَّ النَفسَ عَن شَهَواتِها
حَتّى أَرى ذا ذِمَّةٍ وَوَفاءِ
مَن كانَ يَجحَدُني فَقَد بَرَحَ الخَفا
ما كُنتُ أَكتُمُهُ عَنِ الرُقَباءِ
ما ساءَني لَوني وَإِسمُ زَبيبَةٍ
إِذ قَصَّرَت عَن هِمَّتي أَعدائي
فَلَئِن بَقيتُ لَأَصنَعَنَّ عَجائِباً
وَلَأُبكِمَنَّ بَلاغَةَ الفُصَحاءِ
I have continued to ascend toward the heights of glory,
Until I reached the peaks of the stars.
There, I no longer care for those who blame me,
Fearing neither death nor the separation of the living.
I will surely anger my critics and envyers,
And I will endure through hatred and hunger.
I will strive to meet my destiny, to see,
What I hope for or until my fate arrives.
I will shield my soul from its desires,
Until I meet one of integrity and loyalty.
For whoever denies me, the secret is now exposed,
I no longer conceal it from the watchful eyes.
My color and the name 'Zabeeba' do not bother me,
When my enemies fall short of my ambition.
And if I remain, I shall accomplish wonders,
And silence the eloquence of the most articulate.