Original Poem in Arabic
فيما التضجر والتحسر يا فتى
أتعبت نفسك بالتأسف والأسا
والأمر والملك العظيم جميعه
لِلّه في مرّ الصباح وفي المسا
نفذت أوامره وصحّ قضاؤه
فأرح فؤادك من لعلّ وعسا
وعليك بالثوب الذي لا يبتلى
ثوب التقى نعم الكسا نعم الكسا
What’s with the frustration and regret, O young man?
You’ve tired yourself with sorrow and lamentation.
The matter and the great dominion, all of it,
Belongs to God in the bitterness of the morning and in the evening.
His commands have been executed, and His judgment is firm.
So, rest your heart from what-ifs and maybes.
And wear the garment that never wears out,
The garment of piety—truly, it is the finest attire.